Gerakan Bantuan Responsif Tim Caleg Gerindra Iwan Bule Sasar Langsung Masyarakat di Lapangan, Ini Buktinya

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Pangandaran – Volunteer movement of Gerindra Party’s candidate number 1 for Dapil Jabar X, Mochamad Iriawan, continues to garner support from the community in Dapil Jabar X.

Residents in Cigugur, Pangandaran, also felt the socialization program and assistance provided by the local figure from Kuningan, Iwan Bule.

With many residents working as farmers and construction workers, the distribution program of hoes targets the lower class communities. The responsive movement to provide assistance was also felt by residents who were working to tidy up the road.

“Thank you, sir, for the shirt and the hoe assistance. Of course, this is very beneficial for us,” said Uwa, a resident who received the hoe assistance.

This program from Iwan Bule’s volunteers has two approaches. First, with a scheduled consolidation scheme, and second, with the mobility of the team below to distribute assistance when they see people in need.

According to the Vice Chairman of Iwan Bule’s Campaign Team, Kevin Abriyana, this step is a directive from Iwan Bule, who has visited Dapil Jabar X several times, including Kuningan, Ciamis, Banjar, and Pangandaran.

“We have a scheduled socialization and consolidation program. In addition, we also move directly to the grassroots, so that the program from Mr. Iwan Bule can directly touch the community,” he said.

On the other hand, Iwan Bule, who had a video call with residents, explained that this grassroots approach is to show his team’s commitment to the community ahead of the 2024 Election.

“This is in line with the program of the Presidential Candidate Mr. Prabowo Subianto, that the program must touch the people, be beneficial for the people. So that the desire to build a Just and Prosperous Indonesia as advocated by the Gerindra Party can be achieved. Our team’s steps are only a small part,” he said.

Indeed, there are several programs from Iwan Bule that directly touch the community. In addition to the hoe, there is also a program of providing community service vehicles and assistance with soccer balls for the people to be more enthusiastic about sports. (SENOPATI)

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