Umat Non Muslim di Lombok Berpartisipasi dalam Aksi Solidaritas untuk Palestina

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Minggu, 26 November 2023 – 19:54 WIB

Mataram – Tens of thousands of residents of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) once again held a solidarity action for Palestine. The action was held at the Islamic Center NTB, Mataram City, Sunday morning, November 26, 2023.

The event entitled ‘NTB for Palestine’ held a mass prayer for Palestine, humanitarian orations, blessings, tablig akbar, joint prayers, and donations for Palestine. Interestingly, the solidarity action was not only carried out by Muslims in NTB, but also by cross-religious communities and leaders who enthusiastically participated in the event.

Chairman of the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) NTB Buya TGH. Subki Al Sasaki said the event was part of a humanitarian action for Palestine, which was attended by Hindus, Buddhists, Confucians, Protestants, and Catholics.

“This is an event that gathers all elements of society, both Muslims and non-Muslims, so here we have religious leaders including non-Muslim community members, both Hindus, Buddhists, Confucians, Protestants, and Catholics, as well as those from the church who come directly here. I sat with me as the Secretary of the Buddhist Union,” he said.

He said that this action is a platform for the community to vent their emotions in response to all the events happening in Palestine, which is currently under attack by the Israeli military. Many victims, especially children and women, have fallen, certainly making angry Muslims.

“This is a ventilation of the community’s emotions. So that people’s emotions should not be suppressed, which leads to unwanted events. We create a ventilation where the feelings towards fellow believers or in the name of humanity can be expressed openly in this place,” he said.

The initiative of NTB for Palestine, M. Arief Sanjani Natsir, said the total funds collected in the solidarity action amounted to Rp715,346,141.

“The total donation collected until 12.00 Wita is Rp715,346,141,” he said.

Arief said that in this humanitarian action, it emphasizes a gentle attitude and releases all forms of political attributes.

“What we emphasize is peace, gentleness, and so on. Our prayers and efforts are the main things. We collaborate with all parties to be able to remove their political attributes for a while, but focus more on the humanitarian issues that we voice together,” he said.

The donation will be handed over through Baznas NTB to be distributed to Palestine.